Name in Ukrainian
ТОВ «КВТ-РУС»Name in Country of Registration
ООО «КВТ-РУС»Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1117746121899Tax number
7729675572Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2023-04-20Sanctions Lists and OFAC Programs
SDNCAATSA-RUSSIARUSSIA-EO14024PEESA-EO14039On 18 December 2024, was added to the sanctions programme RUSSIA-EO14024.
On 14 September 2023, the following vessels that are related to LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KVT-RUS (were added to the OFAC's SDN List (CAATSA - RUSSIA, PEESA-EO14039):
FORTUNA (UBDP8) Russia flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 8674156;
On 18 December 2024, the following vessels that are related to LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KVT-RUS were added to the list SDN OFAC (EO14024):
FIONA ("FORTUNA") (UBDP8) Service Vessel Russia flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 8674156.