Proximo LLC
Before renaming on 14 April 2023: Velhod Centre LLC (ООО «Велход Центр»).
Name in Ukrainian
ТОВ «Проксимо»Name in Country of Registration
ООО «Проксимо»Address
- Russia
- /
- Moscow Oblast
- /
- 51 Levoberezhye Microdistrict, Yakhroma
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1137746290758Tax number
7713766312Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2020-05-14UA Sanctions Expire Date
2073-05-12Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 184/2020 від 14.05.2020№ 280/2023 від 12.05.2023Notes
The legal address was changed on 26 August 2022.