OOO Charter Green Light Moscow (Charter Green Light Moscow LLC)
Name in Ukrainian
ТОВ «Чартер Грін Лайт Москва»Name in Country of Registration
ООО «Чартер Грин Лайт Москва»Short Name in Country of Registration
ООО «ЧГЛМ»Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1157746150704Tax number
7701088013Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2023-04-01UA Sanctions Expire Date
2033-04-01Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 191/2023 від 01.04.2023Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2023-01-26Sanctions Lists and OFAC Programs
SDNRUSSIA-EO14024Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2023-12-06UK Sanctions Regimes
Unique Id: RUS2041
Group ID: 16262