OOO Firma Nafta (T) (LLC Firm Nafta (T))
Inactive Entity
Name in Ukrainian
ТОВ Фірма «Нафта (Т)»Name in Country of Registration
ООО Фирма «Нафта (Т)»Short Name in Country of Registration
ООО «Нафта (Т)»Address
- Russia
- /
- Krasnodar Krai
- /
- Туапсинский район, г. Туапсе, бульвар Морской, 2
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1022303280438Tax number
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UA Sanctions Expire Date

Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 726/2022 від 19.10.2022
The legal entity was liquidated on 01 December 2022.
Legal successor: AO Tuapsinskiy Morskoy Torgovyy Port ( JSC Tuapse Commercial Sea Port), Registration ID: 1022303274674.