Name in Ukrainian
Білоруський державний концерн з нафти та хімії
Short Name
Концерн «Білнафтохім»
Name in Country of Registration
Беларускi дзяржаўны канцэрн па нафце i хiмii
Short Name in Country of Registration
Канцэрн «Белнафтахiм»
Date of Implementation of Sanctions
UA Sanctions Expire Date
Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 726/2022 від 19.10.2022
Date of Implementation of Sanctions
The Council of the EU Regulations
№ 765/2006 of 18 May 2006
Date of Implementation of Sanctions
Canadian Special Economic Measures Regulations
Special Economic Measures (Belarus) Regulations (SOR/2020-214)