Mezhdunarodnaya Kompaniya Publichnoye Aktsionernoye Obshchestvo En+ Group (International Company Public Joint Stock Company EN+ Group)
Before re-registration on 09 July 2019: EN+ Group PLC, registered on the island of Jersey.
Name in Ukrainian
МКПАТ «ЕН+ Груп»Name in Country of Registration
Международная компания Публичное акционерное общество «ЭН+ Груп»Short Name in Country of Registration
МКПАО «ЭН+ Груп»Address
- Russia
- /
- Kaliningrad Oblast
- /
- 8 Oktyabrskaya St, Kaliningrad
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1193926010398Tax number
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UA Sanctions Expire Date
UA Sanctions are expired

Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 82/2019 від 19.03.2019
Date of Implementation of Sanctions
US Sanctions are not active

Sanctions Lists and OFAC Programs
Excluded from the list on 27 January 2019.