Kalyazinsky Machine Building Factory - Branch of RSK MiG
Inactive Entity
Name in Ukrainian
Калязинський машинобудівний завод - філія АТ «Російська літакобудівна корпорація «МіГ»Name in Country of Registration
Калязинский машиностроительный завод – филиал АО «Российская самолетостроительная корпорация «МиГ»Address
- Russia
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- Tver Oblast
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- г. Калязин, ул. Индустриальная, 5
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
Registration ID: 1087746371844 OKPO: 54555674Tax number
US Export Restrictions

Date of Implementation of Sanctions

The Council of the EU Regulations
№ 833/2014 від 31.07.2014
AO Rossiyskaya Samoletostroitelnaya Korporatsiya MiG (JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG) was liquidated on 1 June 2022.
Legal successor: PAO Obyedinennaya Aviastroitelnaya Korporatsiya (PJSC United Aircraft Corporation), Registration ID: 1067759884598).
Currently, the plant has the name Branch of PAO Obyedinennaya Aviastroitelnaya Korporatsiya - Kalyazinskiy Mashinostroitelnyy Zavod (Branch of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation - Kalyazinsky Machine-Building Plant).