JSC Kronstadt Group
Inactive Entity
Name in Ukrainian
АТ «Група Кронштадт»Name in Country of Registration
АО «Группа Кронштадт»Address
- Russia
- /
- Saint Petersburg
- /
- г. Санкт-Петербург, Малый проспект Васильевского острова, 54, корп. 4, лит. В
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1157847277367Tax number
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UA Sanctions Expire Date

Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 362/2022 від 24.05.2022
Sanctions are imposed indefinitely
The legal entity was liquidated on 13 May 2016. Legal successor: OOO Intellektualnyye Tekhnicheskiye Resheniya (LLC Intellectual Technical Solutions), Registration ID: 1147748024269 (before renaming on 08 August 2019: OOO Gruppa Kronshtadt (LLC Kronstadt Group);
Alyoshin Boris Sergeevich.