Department of Internal Affairs of the Gomel Region Executive Committee
Name in Ukrainian
Управління внутрішніх справ Гомельського облвиконкомуName in Country of Registration
Упраўленне ўнутраных спраў Гомельскага аблвыканкамаAddress
- Belarus
- /
- Gomel Oblast
- /
- г. Гомель, ул. Коммунаров, 3
Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-10-19UA Sanctions Expire Date
2032-10-19Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 726/2022 від 19.10.2022Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2021-08-09Sanctions Lists and OFAC Programs
SDNBELARUSUS Export Restrictions
2022-04-0787 FR 20299, 4/7/22.
87 FR 34136, 6/6/22.