Scientific-Research Institute and Factory Platan
Inactive Entity
Name in Ukrainian
АТ «Науково-дослідний інститут «Платан» із заводом при НДІ»Name in Country of Registration
АО «Научно-исследовательский институт «Платан» с заводом при НИИ»Short Name in Country of Registration
АО «НИИ «Платан» с заводом при НИИ»Address
- Russia
- /
- Moscow Oblast
- /
- г. Фрязино, проезд Заводской, 2
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1115050010460Tax number
5052023047Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-10-19UA Sanctions Expire Date
2032-10-19Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 726/2022 від 19.10.2022Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-06-28Sanctions Lists and OFAC Programs
SDNRUSSIA-EO14024US Export Restrictions
2022-04-07Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-06-03The Council of the EU Regulations
№ 833/2014 від 31.07.2014Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-07-29Canadian Special Economic Measures Regulations
Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations (SOR/2014-58)Linked Persons
Rostec. Until 14 September 2023 managing organization: AO Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoye Predpriyatiye Istok imeni A. I. Shokina (JSC A. I. Shokin Scientific and Production Enterprise Istok), Registration ID: 1135050007400.Notes
The legal entity was liquidated on 05 June 2024.
Legal successor: AO Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoye Predpriyatiye Istok imeni A. I. Shokina (JSC A. I. Shokin Scientific and Production Enterprise Istok), Registration ID: 1135050007400.