State Unitary Enterprise Sevastopolskiy Tsentr Zemleustroystva i Geodezii (Sevastopol Centre for Land Management and Geodesy)
Inactive Entity

Name in Ukrainian

Державне унітарне підприємство «Севастопольський центр землеустрою і геодезії»

Name in Country of Registration

Государственное унитарное предприятие «Севастопольский центр землеустройства и геодезии»

Short Name in Country of Registration

ГУП «Севгеоцентр»

Name Before Occupation

State Enterprise Sevastopolskyi Heodezychnyi Tsentr (Sevastopol Geodesy Center), Registration ID: 05704303.


Occupied Territory

Country of Registration


Registration data


Tax number


Date of Implementation of Sanctions


UA Sanctions Expire Date

2021-06-21 UA Sanctions are expired

Decrees of the President of Ukraine

№ 133/2017 від 15.05.2017№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018


The legal entity was liquidated on 27 December 2017. Legal successor: OOO Sevastopolskiy Tsentr Zemleustroystva i Geodezii (LLC Sevastopol Centre for Land Management and Geodesy), Registration ID: 1179204010699.