Miass Machine-Building Factory
Name in Ukrainian
АТ «Міаський машинобудівний завод»Name in Country of Registration
АО «Миасский машиностроительный завод»Short Name in Country of Registration
АО «ММЗ»Address
- Russia
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- Chelyabinsk Oblast
- /
- г. Миасс, шоссе Тургоякское, 1
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1087415002784Tax number
7415061758Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-10-19UA Sanctions Expire Date
2032-10-19Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 726/2022 від 19.10.2022US Export Restrictions
2022-03-09Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-03-15The Council of the EU Regulations
№ 833/2014 від 31.07.2014Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2022-04-08Canadian Special Economic Measures Regulations
Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations (SOR/2014-58)Notes
The legal entity was declared bankrupt; bankruptcy proceedings were opened on 18 July 2022.