Name in Ukrainian
ПАТ «Сучасний комерційний флот»Name in Country of Registration
ПАО «Современный коммерческий флот»Short Name in Country of Registration
- Russia
- /
- Saint Petersburg
- /
- г. Санкт-Петербург, Набережная реки Мойки, 3 А
Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1027739028712Tax number
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UA Sanctions Expire Date

Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 726/2022 від 19.10.2022
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

Sanctions Lists and OFAC Programs
Added to SDN List on February 23, 2024.
On 23 February 2024, the following vessels that are related to JSC SOVCOMFLOT were added to the list SDN OFAC (EO14024):
ANATOLY KOLODKIN (3E7525) Crude Oil Tanker Panama flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9610808;
GEORGY MASLOV (TRBD9) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9610793;
KRYMSK (TRBE3) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9270529;
LITEYNY PROSPECT (TRBE6) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9256078;
NEVSKIY PROSPECT (TRBE8) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9256054;
NS ANTARCTIC (TRBF3) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9413559;
NS BRAVO (TRBF8) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9412359;
NS BURGAS (TRBF9) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9411020;
KALININGRAD (рrevious name- NS CAPTAIN (TRBG2) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9341067 (Owner on 07/08/2024: ТОВ «Інвест флот» (ООО «Инвест флот»; ОДРН: 1237800143569);
KEMEROVO (рrevious name-NS COLUMBUS (TRBG5) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9312884 (Owner on 07/08/2024: STREAM SHIP MANAGEMENT FZCO);
NS CONSUL (TRBH3) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9341093;
KRASNOYARSK (рrevious name-NS CREATION (TRBH5) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9312896 (Owner on 07/08/2024: ТОВ «Інвест флот» (ООО «Инвест флот»; ОДРН: 1237800143569);
NS LION (TRBH8) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9339313;
SAKHALIN ISLAND (3E4139) Crude Oil Tanker Panama flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9249128;
On 12 June 2024, the following vessels that are related to JSC SOVCOMFLOT were added to the list SDN OFAC (EO14024):
ALEXEY KOSYGIN LNG Carrier Russia flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9904546;
PYOTR STOLYPIN LNG Carrier Russia flag;Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9904675;
SERGEI WITTE LNG Carrier Russia flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9904687;
ZVEZDA 044 LNG Carrier Russia flag;Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9904699.
On 10 January 2025, was added to the sanctions programme UKRAINE-EO13662.
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

The Council of the EU Regulations
№ 269/2014 від 17.03.2014№ 833/2014 від 31.07.2014
On 24 June 2024, was also added to the list Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.
On 25 June 2024, the following vessels that are related to MG-Flot LLC was added to the list Council Regulation No 833/2014:
KRYMSK (TRBE3) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9270529;
KEMEROVO (рrevious name-NS COLUMBUS (TRBG5) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9312884 (Owner on 07/08/2024: STREAM SHIP MANAGEMENT FZCO);
KRASNOYARSK (рrevious name-NS CREATION (TRBH5) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9312896 (Owner on 07/08/2024: ТОВ «Інвест флот» (ООО «Инвест флот»; ОДРН: 1237800143569);
KALININGRAD (рrevious name- NS CAPTAIN (TRBG2) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9341067 (Owner on 07/08/2024: ТОВ «Інвест флот» (ООО «Инвест флот»; ОДРН: 1237800143569);
On 16 December 2024, the following vessel that is related to ARCTIC TRANSSHIPMENT LLC was added to the list Council Regulation No 833/2014:
Okeansky Prospect Carrier Russia flag;Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9866380;
GEORGY MASLOV (TRBD9) Crude Oil Tanker Gabon flag; Vessel Registration Identification IMO 9610793;
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UK Sanctions Regimes
Unique Id: RUS1097.
OFSI Group ID: 15040.
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

Canadian Special Economic Measures Regulations
Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations (SOR/2014-58)