GUP RC Stekloplastik (SUE of the RC Stekloplastik)
Inactive Entity
Name in Ukrainian
ДУП РК «Склопластик»Name in Country of Registration
ГУП РК «Стеклопластик»Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1149102109595Tax number
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UA Sanctions Expire Date
UA Sanctions are expired

Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 133/2017 від 15.05.2017№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018
The legal entity was liquidated on 31 May 2018. The property of the enterprise has been assigned to AO Sudostroitelnyi Zavod More (JSC More Shipyard), Registration ID: 1199112021140.