Inactive Entity
Name in Ukrainian
Філія ДУП РК «Кримські морські порти» «Служба капітана Керченського морського рибного порту»Name in Country of Registration
Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea Krymskiye Morskiye Porty Sluzhba Kapitana Kerchenskogo Morskogo Rybnogo Porta (Crimean Sea Ports Service of the Captain of the Kerch Sea Fishing Port)Country of Registration
RussiaRegistration data
1149102012620Tax number
Date of Implementation of Sanctions

UA Sanctions Expire Date
UA Sanctions are expired

Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 133/2017 від 15.05.2017№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018№ 266/2021 від 24.06.2021
Such a branch currently does not exist. There is a Branch of FGBU Administratsiya Morskikh Portov Chernogo Morya in Kerch (Branch of the Federal State-Owned Publicly-Funded Institution Administration of the Sea Ports of the Black Sea in Kerch), Registration ID: 1022302379109, OKPO: 00133190.