Branch Malorechenskoye of GUP RC PAO Massandra (Branch Malorechenskoye of SUE RC Production and Agricultural Association Massandra)

Before renaming on 01 April 2019: Branch Malorechenskoye of FGUP PAO Massandra (Branch Malorechenskoye of  Federal State Unitary Enterprise Production and Agricultural Association Massandra).

Inactive Entity

Name in Ukrainian

Філія Державного унітарного підприємства Республіки Крим «Виробничо-аграрне об'єднання «Масандра» «Малоріченське»

Name in Country of Registration

Филиал ГУП РК «ПАО «Массандра» «Малореченское»

Name Before Occupation

State Enterprise Malorichenske, Registration ID: 00412719


Occupied Territory

Country of Registration


Registration data


Tax number


Date of Implementation of Sanctions


UA Sanctions Expire Date

2021-03-23 UA Sanctions are expired

Decrees of the President of Ukraine

№ 133/2017 від 15.05.2017№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018

Excluded from the lists on 23 March 2021.



Ukraine's sanctions were lifted on 23 March 2021. Sanctions have been imposed on Branch Malorechenskoye of АO Production and Agricultural Association Massandra.