OOO Mozyrskiy Spirtovodochnyy Zavod (LLC Mozyr Distillery)
Name in Ukrainian
ТОВ «Мозирський спиртогорілчаний завод»Name in Country of Registration
ААТ «Мазырскі спіртагарэлачны завод»Address
- Belarus
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- Gomel Region
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- Мозирський район, Михайлівська с/р, 15/93м
Tax number
400084274Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2018-05-14UA Sanctions Expire Date
2019-06-21 UA Sanctions are expiredDecrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018Sanctions of Ukraine were not extended on 21 June 2019.