Shpolianskyi Zavod Zapasnykh Chastyn (Branch of VAT Metrovahonmash) (Shpolyansk Plant of Spare Parts (Branch of OJSC Metrovahonmash))
Name in Ukrainian
Шполянський завод запасних частин (філія ВАТ «Метровагонмаш»)Address
- Ukraine
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- Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
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- м. Дніпро, пр. Нігояна Сергія, 22/26
Country of Registration
UkraineRegistration data
05745070Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2018-05-14UA Sanctions Expire Date
2034-06-24Decrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018№ 266/2021 від 24.06.2021№ 376/2024 від 24.06.2024Linked Persons
Rossiyskie Zheleznye Dorogi (Russian Railways)Notes
Has been in a state of termination since 10 August 2018.