TOV Kyivska Vahonna Kompaniia (LLC Kyiv Carriage Company)
Before renaming on 03 December 2019: TOV Persha Vantazhna Kompaniia v Ukraini (LLC Freight One in Ukraine).
Name in Ukrainian
ТОВ «Київська вагонна компанія»Short Name
ТОВ «КВК»Country of Registration
UkraineRegistration data
35839738Date of Implementation of Sanctions
2015-09-16UA Sanctions Expire Date
2024-06-24 UA Sanctions are expiredDecrees of the President of Ukraine
№ 549/2015 від 16.09.2015№ 467/2016 від 17.10.2016№ 133/2017 від 15.05.2017№ 126/2018 від 14.05.2018№ 176/2018 від 21.06.2018№ 266/2021 від 24.06.2021Linked Persons
AO Pervaya Gruzovaya Kompaniya (JSC Freight One)Notes
Has been in a state of termination since 31 July 2021.